New Exhibitions On View Through March 2, 2025


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Follow up tour email to be sent after the date of the tour

Thank you for taking a tour at the Canton Museum of Art!

Your feedback is very important to us, please fill out a simple survey that takes less than 2 minutes about your experience and enter your name to win a free family membership!

Take Survey Now

Follow up tour email to be sent after the last date of the class/workshop

Thank you for taking a class at the Canton Museum of Art!

Your feedback is very important to us, please fill out a simple survey that takes less than 2 minutes about your experience and enter your name to win a free family membership!

Take Survey Now

Tour/AEW Reminder

Just a friendly reminder, you are scheduled for a Tour/s or AEW/s coming up in a few days. 

[pstourdate] , [psday] @ [pstourstarttime] - [pstourendtime]   
Number of Students - [pstournochild]
Number of Adults - [pstournoadults]


Thank you so much for volunteering, see you soon!



Classic Ceramics 10:00am Wednesday

Begins 12/31/1969, Ends 12/31/1969

1 , 07:00 PM-07:00 PM

Beginning students will be taught the basics of hand-building and wheel-work while intermediate students will refine their skills. Individual projects will include functional pottery and decorative work.

(Cost for Members: $125.00)

My First Art Class

Begins 12/31/1969, Ends 12/31/1969

1 , 07:00 PM-07:00 PM

Parents, come play with your little artists as we draw, paint, sculpt, and create! Each week, students will gain inspiration while learning about a master artist and create their very own masterpieces! Enjoy learning and playing with your little ones as we introduce them to the exciting world of art.

*Cost includes all supplies

(Cost for Members: $44.00)

My First Art Class

Begins 12/31/1969, Ends 12/31/1969

1 , 07:00 PM-07:00 PM

Parents, come play with your little artists as we draw, paint, sculpt, and create! Each week, students will gain inspiration while learning about a master artist and create their very own masterpieces! Enjoy learning and playing with your little ones as we introduce them to the exciting world of art.

*Cost includes all supplies

(Cost for Members: $44.00)

My First Art Class

Begins 12/31/1969, Ends 12/31/1969

1 , 07:00 PM-07:00 PM

Parents, come play with your little artists as we draw, paint, sculpt, and create! Each week, students will gain inspiration while learning about a master artist and create their very own masterpieces! Enjoy learning and playing with your little ones as we introduce them to the exciting world of art.

*Cost includes all supplies

(Cost for Members: $44.00)

My First Art Class

Begins 12/31/1969, Ends 12/31/1969

1 , 07:00 PM-07:00 PM

Parents, come play with your little artists as we draw, paint, sculpt, and create! Each week, students will gain inspiration while learning about a master artist and create their very own masterpieces! Enjoy learning and playing with your little ones as we introduce them to the exciting world of art.

*Cost includes all supplies

(Cost for Members: $44.00)


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