Stark County High School Art Exhibit Opens March 18!

* Spring 2025 School of Art Open Class Registration Begins Sunday, March 16 *


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Home / Classes / Sketchbook Exploration

Sketchbook Exploration

Designed for grades 7-12

Begins 09/19/2019, Ends 10/24/2019

Deadline to Register: 09-17-2019

6 Thursdays, 06:00 PM-08:00 PM

Room 101A

Instructor: Douglas Laubacher

Every artist needs a sketchbook! Drawing in a sketchbook regularly is one of the best ways to build and improve drawing skills. Exercise your creativity as well as develop and record ideas for future works. Instructor Douglas Laubacher will share his expertise from working in the classroom and as a professional illustrator. Learn fundamental drawing skills through experimenting with a variety of drawing materials. Students will also visit the galleries to sketch on-site. Fill your sketchbook and push your drawing skills to a whole new level!


*Cost includes all supplies.

(Cost for Members: $44.00)
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