Canton POS

Session 2-B (Afternoon) - Edible Artistry

Begins 06/24/2019, Ends 06/28/2019
Deadline to Register: 06-22-2019
5 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 01:30 PM-04:30 PM
101a, 101b, 102, Courtyard
Instructor: Morgan Choffin & Amy Brown
Food engages our senses, combining flavors, colors, scents, and textures to create an experience that is far more than just a meal?it?s a work of art. Feast your eyes on works on display in the exhibit Food for Thought which reflect a rich history of art and culinary traditions that have shaped how we engage with food today. Then bite into a variety of food related art activities including learning about famous food art, creating art that looks like food, utilizing edible art materials, and even creating actual edible art good enough to eat!