Canton POS

Make Your Own Mug and Muggswiggz Coffee Tasting Workshop

Begins 03/14/2018, Ends 03/14/2018
Deadline to Register: 03-15-2018
1 , 05:30 PM-08:00 PM
Room 101
1 Wednesday, 5:30pm-8:00pm
Room 101a
Instructor: Laura Kolinski-Schultz
Back by popular demand! Create your own fun and functional ceramic mug while learning about the fantastic flavors of coffee and all it has to offer! A professional barista from Canton's own Muggswiggz Coffee and Tea will guide you through a taste testing of different coffees. While sipping on your favorite flavors learn how to make a personalized drinking mug of your very own using stoneware clay and basic hand building techniques. All levels of experience are welcome.
*Students will need to make arrangements to pick up fired pieces two weeks after workshop.
*Cost includes all supplies
*Deadline to register: 03/12/2018