Canton POS

Kids' Class: Creative Clay

Canton Museum of Art 1001 Market Ave North Canton, OH 44702 United States
Begins 09/16/2017, Ends 10/28/2017
1 , 05:15 PM-06:30 PM
Room 101
Creative Clay (Designed for grades 1-4 or 5-8)
C-260 – On 9/16/17-10/28/17, No class 10/14
6 Saturdays, 1:15 -2:30pm, Room 101
Instructor: Morgan Choffin & Danielle Howe
Come explore the endless creativity of clay in this fun and challenging class. Students will explore air-dry clay and even work with a pottery wheel, learning the basic techniques to create functional, decorative, and sculptural pieces.
(Cost for Members: $68.00)