Canton POS

Kids' Workshop: Miniature Worlds!

Begins 09/24/2017, Ends 09/24/2017
1 , 05:30 PM-07:00 PM
Room 101
Miniature Worlds: Create a Fantasy Diorama (Designed for grades 1-4 or 5-8)
C-220 – On 9/24/17
1 Sunday, 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Room 101
Instructor: Allison Uhl
Try your hand at replicating real & imaginary worlds in miniature at this special Scrimmage inspired diorama workshop. Let seasoned youth instructor, Allison Uhl, guide you through using mixed media to tell your fantasy sport or action story. Ever dreamed of hitting the courts with LeBron? Teaming up with your friends to play an inter-galactic game of kickball? Or maybe you just want to finally catch that big fish! Sculpt and create your story into a clever diorama.