Canton POS

Art Play Date: Wiggle, Wobble & Paint!

Canton Museum of Art 1001 Market Ave North Canton, OH 44702 United States
Begins 10/12/2017, Ends 10/12/2017
1 , 02:30 PM-03:30 PM
Room 101
Wiggle, Wobble & Paint! (Designed for toddlers ages 1-4)
C-120 – On 10/12/17
1 Thursday, 10:30 – 11:30 am, Room 101
Instructor: Danielle Howe
Who needs a paintbrush when you have your head, fingers and toes? Parents, join your little artists as they explore fun new ways of making art using their little bodies! Thumb print creations, full body tracing, and bubble-wrap body painting will let you have fun together while helping your little ones get started in the world of art! Wear something you don’t mind getting messy.
*Cost includes all supplies
(Cost for Members: $12.00)